Special Meeting (via Zoom) of the NCAS Membership - Sept. 1, 2020, 7pm-7:30pm

* If you are a current dues paying member of NCAS watch for an email inviting you to register for the special meeting of NCAS.


  • Update on changes to membership meetings and other activities of NCAS necessitated by COVID-19

  • Safe Start Member Survey

  • Proposed Bylaw Change

  • Election of 2020-2021 Officers

Proposed Bylaw Change

The board recommends the following change in the bylaws, to be voted on by the membership.  The proposed change affects the length of time a person may be elected to serve as one of the officers.  The current language restricts the length of time a person may serve to 3 consecutive years, with 2 additional 1 year terms as approved by the board.

The new language changes the bylaws to allow unlimited 1 year terms by all officers with the exception of the president. The president would be restricted to the same conditions as currently written in our bylaws.

The board believes that term limits are not necessary for any of the officers with the exception of the president, and that the expertise developed by these officers is crucial to the ongoing success of the board and organization.

Current Language 

Article V: Officers Section 1. The elected officers of the chapter shall be a president, a vice-president, a secretary, and a treasurer. The president and all other officers shall serve one (1) year terms, no individual may hold the same office for more than three (3) consecutive terms. The board may elect to extend these limits annually for up to two (2) additional terms. 

New Language 

Article V: Officers Section 1. The elected officers of the chapter shall be a president, a vice-president, a secretary, and a treasurer. The president shall serve a one (1) year term and no individual may hold the president’s office for more than three (3) consecutive terms. The board may elect to extend this limit annually for up to two (2) additional terms. All other officers shall serve one (1) year terms as elected by the membership. There shall be no term limits for vice-president, secretary and treasurer.

Election of 2020 NCAS Officers 

The Nominating Committee for this year’s elections for NCAS officers includes Owen Bamford, Pam Borso and Paul Woodcock. To date, the Nominating Committee has not received any new nominations for these positions. All current officers are willing to run again and include: 

President - Steven Harper

Vice-President - Jamie Huson

Secretary - Deborah Kaye

Treasurer -  Sue Parrott

If you are a NCAS member and would like to submit names for officers, please direct them to Pam Borso at pborso@northcascadesaudubon.org before the special meeting on September 1, 2020.