
September Board Minutes

Summary of NCAS Board Meeting:  September 3, 2018 The Board met at the Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship from 7 to 9 pm on September 3 and took the following actions and/or discussed the following issues: 

  • The remaining $1,000 of our $3,000 scholarship budget has been reserved for a possible Beginning Birding class to be offered at Whatcom Community College.
  • Audubon will staff a booth at the Bellingham Farmer’s Market twice per year.
  • Reservations for the Pearrygin Lake Campout have been made for Thursday-Sunday, May 30-June 2.
  • Updated job descriptions for Board members and Committee Chairs will be submitted to the Board for approval.
  • The President will invite a representative from the Whatcom Land Trust to an upcoming Board meeting to share their strategies for fundraising and recruiting new members.
  • The Conservation Committee signed on to a national letter opposing attacks on environmental issues in the 2019 Appropriations Bill.
  • The Board voted to adopt a proposal to establish a fundraising goal of $11,000 to construct an elevated viewing platform/bird blind and interpretive signage for the Harrison Reserve project. This goal includes raising $5,500 from NCAS general membership and matching dollar for dollar up to $5,500 from NCAS reserve funds.  NCAS will continue to purse grants for this project.
  • A photo release will be added to our field trip liability release form.
  • The Board voted to co-sponsor a Candidate Forum with RESources for Sustainable Communities for three Whatcom County positions on the November 2018 ballot. These positions are: County Council at Large, Public Utility District #1 Commissioner and County Prosecutor.  The Forum is planned for October (date TBA).

August Board Minutes

Summary of NCAS Board Meeting:  August 6, 2018 The Board met at the Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship from 7 to 9 pm on August 6 and took the following actions and/or discussed the following issues: 

  • Sue confirmed that, as previously approved by the Board, $40,000 of our reserves was converted into two 2-year Certificates of Deposit at WECU with a 2.75% rate of return. The Board voted to approve converting an additional $10,000 of reserves to a 1-year Certificate of Deposit with a 1.75% rate of return.
  • This year’s Audubon Council of Washington annual meeting will take place on October 13 at the Brightwater Center in Woodinville. The agenda includes a 5 Minute Success Story during which Robert will speak about the recent ORV proposal by the Department of Natural Resources and Pam will speak about our Native Plants for Birds presentations.
  • The Education Committee is continuing their work on the Endangered Species Artist Project and is working with various artists and other interested parties to promote the project.
  • Eagle presentations are scheduled at local libraries. Volunteers are needed to staff an Audubon table at these events.
  • The Board voted to support the petition being circulated by local citizens continuing the current prohibition of ORV use on forested lands in Whatcom County. The Board agreed to make an active effort to engage our membership in supporting the petition once the County publishes the report paid for by the ORV group (expected sometime in 2019).
  • The restructured DNR Recreation Plan allowing for only non-motorized use on DNR forested lands in Whatcom County has been released and is closer to being adopted.
  • The Conservation Committee is continuing to develop a strategy to inspire homeowners and other stakeholders in the Semiahmoo IBA to protect and provide stewardship for this important habitat.
  • The Seattle Audubon Chapter is moving forward with a proposal to expand their Puget Sound Seabird Surveys northward from Deception Pass to Blaine. A training session for volunteers on both the survey protocol and oil spill response will take place on September 20 from 5:30-7:30 pm at Birch Bay State Park.
  • Steven will put together a summary of the Harrison Reserve project and a proposal for a fundraising goal for the Board to consider.
  • It is planned that our new website will go live before the first membership meeting in September.
  • The Board voted to approve May 30-June 2 for the 2019 NCAS campout at Pearrygin Lake State Park.
  • The Board voted to introduce a short bird of the month segment (i.e., photo, song/call, preferred habitat, unique behavior, etc.) at the start of each membership meeting, beginning in September. Initially birds will be chosen from the list of the 26 birds selected for the Endangered Species Artists Project.
  • The Board discussed the possibility of offering two new classes to the public: Introduction to Birding and Beginning Birding.  The Education Committee will follow up with Paul and Pam.
  • The idea of establishing a backyard bird habitat certification program (similar to the current program run by the Audubon Society of Portland and the Columbia Land Trust) was introduced. The Board discussed several potential aspects of such a program. The Education Committee will follow up.

July Board Minutes

North Cascades Audubon SocietyBoard of Directors Meeting MinutesHome of Steven Harper and Sue ParrottJuly 2, 2018, 7:00 pm Board Members Present: Steven Harper, Paul Woodcock, Sue Parrott, Chris Brewer, Owen Bamford, Robert Kaye and Deborah Kaye. Advisory Board Members Present:  Pam Borso, Steve Irving, Judy Krieger, Rae Edwards, Kirsten Anderson, Anne Ziomkowski  and Lynne Givler.  Guest: Helene Irving and Milt Krieger Pam welcomed all to the meeting and thanked Steven and Sue for hosting. 

  1. Installation of Officers – The following officers were installed into office: Steven Harper - President, Jamie Huson - Vice President, Deborah Kaye – Secretary, Sue Parrott - Treasurer

Steven thanked Pam and Paul for their five years of service as President and Vice President (respectively). Steven expressed special thanks to Pam for recruiting new members and bringing new energy and programs to the Board. Pam is now our Volunteer Coordinator and Paul Woodcock is our Field Trips Coordinator. 

  1. Additions to the Agenda – none


  1. Approval of May Minutes – Approved with minor corrections to some event dates.


  1. Treasurer’s Report

Sue reviewed the Treasurer’s Report noting that membership revenue is going well and that we are ahead of where we were this time last year.  Member donations were projected at $800 and we are already at $1,000. The Education Committee is slightly over budget due to increased copy expenses for materials for our Native Plants for Birds presentations.  Scholarships were dispersed to three students. 

  1. Communications
  • Submissions for the September newsletter are due August 15th.
  • Audubon at the Museum – Events are scheduled for July 22nd, August 26th (Sue and Steven), and September 23rd. Volunteers are still needed for July 22nd and September 23rd.  Pam will try to obtain volunteers for all open dates.
  • Farmer’s Market – July 28th and August 25th. Pam has three volunteers scheduled each day. At Kirsten’s suggestion, Pam will have NCAS membership applications available at the market.
  • This year’s ACOW will take place on October 13, 2018 at the Brightwater Center, Woodinville, WA
  • Update on Harrison Reserve Grant – Unfortunately, we did not receive either the Cornell or the Audubon grants for this project. Steven contacted Audubon for feedback about our submission.  The response was that we had a strong proposal.  They suggested that in future grant proposals, we try to include strategies for leveraging the use of grant monies to increase membership and involvement in our chapter.  Audubon may offer another round of grants in the fall.  A discussion followed about the possibility of organizing a fundraising campaign among members to raise money for a specific aspect of the Harrison Reserve project, such as a bird blind or classroom birding kit.  It was also suggested that our chapter could offer matching donations for the campaign from bequests to the Education fund. Steven proposed continuing our discussion of a special fundraising campaign at the August board meeting.


  1. Committee Reports as needed
  • Education Committee: In collaboration with the Whatcom Museum’s upcoming exhibit on endangered species, Chris is in the process of identifying local artists and asking them to create bird themed ornaments for our NCAS tree that will be on display at the museum during their annual holiday tree event.  A list of 25 endangered birds will be provided to participating artists.  Eagle presentations have been scheduled in the fall at four libraries.  Associated field trips to view eagles are in the planning stage.  Pam has given eight Native Plants for Birds presentations to groups at libraries, garden clubs and nurseries and has two additional talks scheduled during August.  Deborah has established Audubon Plants for Birds – Native Plant Nursery Partnerships with seven local nurseries.  Pam has also led several plants and birds walks at state and county parks.  Birds and Brews was a huge success!
  • Conservation Committee: Local groups who oppose a proposed change in the county ordinance to allow use of ORVs on forested lands in the county have requested NCAS’s help with their petition drive to collect signatures in opposition to the proposal.  It was determined that the Board will discuss the actions NCAS might take in support of the petition at our August board meeting.  The Conservation Committee met to discuss strategies for raising awareness regarding the Important Bird Area at Semiahmoo Spit.  The Committee will consider different options including engaging with homeowner’s associations and the resort.  Seattle Audubon has received a grant to expand its monthly bird surveys to include sites in Whatcom County.  Robert, Steven and Pam participated in a conference call with Toby Ross of the Seattle Audubon and John Bower, WWU professor, and Eleanor Hines regarding the logistics of the program.  Further discussions are planned to determine how best to expand the bird surveys in Whatcom County.  John and Toby will compare the protocols of the current bird surveys in the Cherry Point Aquatic Reserve area with those of the Seattle Audubon surveys to work towards a protocol that can be used for all of the surveys. 
  • Governance Committee: Sue will follow up with Nicole and Jamie and report at our August meeting.
  • Membership Committee: Owen and Kirsten will discuss strategies to increase membership, especially among young people, and they will review resources on the Audubon National website.


  1. Old Business
  • Web Page: Updates are needed to our current website.  Steven will remind Jamie about updates and to share a non-live version of new website with Board members.
  • National Audubon Membership List Event: This item will be moved to the August meeting agenda.


  1. New Business
  • Whatcom Land Trust Pickford Ad: The Whatcom Land Trust is currently showing an ad at the Pickford Theater and would like to include a photo and information about NCAS in their ad as a way of highlighting our two organizations’ partnership and cooperative efforts with the community.  The Board agreed to provide a suitable photo and/or logo, etc. to the WLT for inclusion in their ad. The deadline for the photo is August 1st.  Steven will follow up with a suitable photo.
  • Photo Release: It was suggested that we add a photo release to our field trip liability release form.
  • Possible NCAS Presence at Jane Goodall’s Presentation. Western Washington University is hosting a presentation by Jane Goodall at the Mount Baker Theatre on October 8th. It may be possible to have an NCAS table at the event. Chris will follow up.

    Programs & EventsSeptember 25:  George Divoky: Black Guillemots of Cooper Island, Whatcom MuseumOctober 6, 2 PM:  Eagle Program at South Whatcom LibraryOctober 23:  Richard Gammon: Global Climate Change: Impacts in the Pacific NW and Salish Sea, Whatcom MuseumNovember 3 at 3 pm:  Eagle Program at Deming LibraryNovember 10 at 1 pm:  Eagle Program at Blaine LibraryNovember 17 at 2 pm:  Eagle program at Ferndale LibraryNovember 27:  Fenner Yarborough:  Threatened and Endangered Wildlife in Washington State, Whatcom MuseumDecember 10:  Holiday Party, YWCADecember 16:  CBC and Potluck, Downtown Coop (Community Connections Room)January 29, 2019:  Maria Ruth: Rare Bird: Pursuing the Mystery of the Marbled Murrelet, Whatcom Museum        Adjourn - Next Meeting:  August 6, 2018. 7 to 9 pm Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship, 1207 Ellsworth, Bellingham.    

April Board Minutes

North Cascades Audubon Society Minutes Board of Directors Meeting1207 EllsworthApril 2, 20187:00 PM Board Members Present: Pam Borso, Paul Woodcock, Steven Harper, Sue Parrott, Nicole Huson, Jamie Huson, Chris Brewer, Robert Kaye, Kirsten Anderson, Judy Krieger 

  1. Additions to Agenda – added below.
  2. Approval of February Minutes – approved as written.
  3. Treasurer’s Report – Sue noted that there was one small mistake on the worksheet in banking fees. It will be corrected in the next report. We seem to be getting more donations possibly because of our presentations and notices for renewal.


  1. Committee Reports as needed

Vote on and welcome new board members – The board voted to have Kirsten and Robert join as board members. Board and governance committee: Nicole described the process for creating and revising all board position descriptions.  There are a few more comments and edits and she will send the draft final versions out one last time before the board is asked to approve them.    Nicole has created a draft welcome packet for new board members and it will be sent out to new board members once reviewed and approved.  Sue led a discussion on discrepancies in the bylaws in regards to who is officially a board member and how they are chosen. It is not clear according to the bylaws whether advisory board members are voting members.  However, the practices are that all persons acting as committee chairs have been considered to be full voting board members. We have a number of open Board Committee Chair positions.  It was recommended and agreed to by the board that Robert will be Conservation chair, Pam will be Volunteer Coordinator chair, Kirsten will be Publicity chair and Paul will be Field Trip chair.  Pam will follow up with Annie to make sure she can continue as Hospitality Chair with the responsibilities as noted in the draft position description. Education update: (see attached committee report) The native plants and birds programs have been very successful and a number of organizations have requested additional programs. We now have great materials for nurseries and for the general public and Deborah Kaye is working with the nurseries to distribute handouts. Birds and Brew is scheduled for May 19th and the committee will be attempting to expand the event to include additional dates and locations. Next committee meeting is April 9. Scholarship committee update – The scholarship announcement has now been released and we are waiting for applicants. Nicole has distributed the necessary materials to WWU. Website update: Website Review, Membership software, Google Docs – Jamie is working on the web page and needs a high resolution picture to place on the website of all board members. Any other public digital documents should be sent to Jamie for placement on the website.  The new website will be going live very soon. Nominating committee update – The slate proposed for next year (staring June 2018)  includes Steven Harper for President, Jamie Huson as Vice-President, Pam Borso as Secretary and Sue Parrott as Treasurer.  The board agreed to extend Sue’s term for another year. Paul will present this slate to the May membership meeting for a vote. Program report – Steven reported on upcoming programs and noted that the Sept – January programs will all be related to the Endangered Species programming scheduled by the Whatcom Museum.    

  1. Communications & Input 

State board changes and State and National Funding channels – Pam described the work that Jenn Syrowitz of WA Audubon has done in the past 5 years and noted that she is leaving to become Exec. Director of Washington Wildlife Federation.  Allan Gibbs, Regional Representative, is coming to the next board meeting to get our feedback on Jenn’s  position. Newsletter input due April 15 for May; It has been suggested that we include a “Year of the Bird” article.Audubon at the museum April 22 (Sue), May 27(Pam).At a later board meeting the board will discuss criteria for sending out time sensitive, environment related issues email messages to members.  It was noted that NCAS lacks clear policy on many issues and that at some point in the future the Board may want to develop policies.  It was suggested that we keep a list of issues that arise that would benefit from a NCAS Board policy.VARC field trip for Board members: Steven will organize the carpooling for the May 6 event.Audubon table: What’s the Point: Whatcom Land Trust – We will host a table at this event on June 16.NW Region 1 meeting will be at Padilla Bay from 10-2 pm on April 21.  All board members are welcome.2018 Audubon State Chapter gathering will be somewhere in the Seattle area on May 19ACOW October 13, 2018, Brightwater Center, Woodinville, WA.  There will be more details later.      

  1. Old Business

Duck sign for City of Bellingham:  No update as Rae is traveling.Cornell/ Whatcom Land Trust/ Audubon Grant collaboration on: Harrison property, Kendall: No news until April 30 

  1. New Business

Audubon Grants available – There are grants from Audubon ($1,000 - $25,000) available for chapter efforts. There is specific criteria associated with these grants and we will potentially pursue a grant for the WLT Harrison property project and for working with WWU birding club to establish an associated college program.  Education Committee will follow up at their meeting.    

  1. Programs & Events

April 8: Family Bird Walk: Scudder Pond/Whatcom Falls 9:30April 14: Native Plants and Birds: Deming Library 3-4 April 17: Native Plants and Birds Ferndale Garden Club 11:30-1:30April 21: NW Regional Meeting at Padilla Bay 10:00-2:00 pmApril 24:  Dan Streiffert: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Whatcom MuseumApril 28: Backyard Habitat and Native Flora Fair/ WNPS Plant SaleMay 19: Birds and Brews at 3 pm at Stones Throw BreweryMay 22: Connie Sidles; Bird Evolution, Whatcom MuseumMay 31- June 3: Pearrygin Lake CampoutJune 16: What’s the Point tabling at Point Whitehorn 10:30-3:00pmSeptember 25: George Divoky: Black Guillemots of Cooper Island, Whatcom MuseumOctober 23: Richard Gammon: Global Climate Change: Impacts in the Pacific NW and Salish Sea, Whatcom MuseumNovember 27: Fenner Yarborough: Threatened and Endangered Wildlife in Washington State, Whatcom MuseumDecember 10: Holiday Party, YWCADecember 16: CBC Potluck, Downtown Coop (Community Connections Room)January 29, 2019: Maria Ruth: Rare Bird: Pursuing the Mystery of the Marbled Murrelet, Whatcom Museum        Adjourn - Next Meeting: May 7, 2018. 7 to 9 PM Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship 1207 Ellsworth Bellingham.  Education  ReportApril 2018 Education Committee met on January 31 and will meet again April 9th. Joining us is Kristen Fredericks Murray! Completed Education ProgramsNative Plants and BirdsPrograms have been successfully presented at the Blaine, South Whatcom and Ferndale libraries (March 3, 10, 24) as well as at the March membership meeting. Thanks, Pam! The program is getting Audubon out in many areas to share some excellent resources and info. Roz Spitzer has done a terrific job helping to get some local materials completed. Thanks too, to those who helped out tabling: Deborah, Gayle (Stebbings), Kristen Murray. Upcoming Education ProgramsApril:Family Bird Walk: Chris Brewer and Gayle Stebbings will be leading the walk-through Scudder Pond and Whatcom Falls Park to Darby Pond Native Plants and Birds.April presentations include the Ferndale Garden Club, Master Gardeners and Deming Library as well as having materials at the Backyard Habitat and Native Flora Fair on April 28. May Birds and BrewsMay 19, 3 pm at Stones Throw Brewery. New and Upcoming Program Planning Youth ProgramPaul Woodcock and Chris Brewer will be sharing ideas at our upcoming meeting about engaging local youth and offering an opportunity in 2019 that encourages teen / young adult birding. Bald Eagle Interpretive ProgramChris Brewer is leading the development of a fall program for educational presentations and bald eagle field trips on the Nooksack. Anyone interested in leading a trip between late November and the end of December contact Chris. Endangered Species Programming and Holiday TreeSteven Harper has been locating a fall presenter on endangered species. Chris is looking for someone to research endangered/threatened birds (mostly from State of the Bird Report!) to identify birds to highlight in the Holiday Tree as well as someone to help contact artists for creating artwork for it.

NCAS Board Minutes: February

North Cascades Audubon Society MinutesBoard of Directors Meeting1207 EllsworthFebruary 5, 20187:00 PM Board Members Present: Pam Borso, Paul Woodcock, Steven Harper, Sue Parrott, Rae Edwards, Owen Bamford, Nicole Huson, Jamie Huson, Chris Brewer, Kelley Palmer-McGee, Steve Irving  Guests Kirsten Anderson and Robert and Deborah Kaye were in attendance. The guests introduced themselves to the Board describing their past work and interest in being on the Board. Current Board members also introduced themselves. 

  1. Additions to Agenda – added below.
  2. Approval of January Minutes – approved as written.
  3. Treasurer’s Report – Sue explained some changes in categories in the working budget and asked for feedback from the Board. She will use the new categories and see how they work.


  1. Committee Reports as needed

Education update - Chris gave an update on the last committee meeting, including an update on the “Birds & Brew” event, Tech Soup (discounts for non-profits), sign-up and purchase of software, volunteer survey outreach results, and Native Plants and Birds programs.Native plants and birds educational program guide – Pam is working on this guide along with other materials to be distributed at select nurseries and at the educational programs this spring and in the future.Membership Committee update – Owen requested assistance and Jamie volunteered to assist in the new efforts to recruit new members and to increase donations to Audubon.Scholarship Committee update – Nicole met with Don Burgess, on sabbatical presently, and noted that he enjoys being the contact person and part of the grant process.  He works with students to help them improve their grant applications.   He suggested that the deadline be extended to May 15.  All of the materials will now be online, and the applications will be submitted online.Website update: Website review, membership software, Google Docs – Jamie continues to work on the new website.Nominating Committee – Steven, Paul and Owen volunteered to be on the nominating committee.Board Building and Governance – Nicole went through the main findings of the group that met to review the job descriptions of the different Board positions. The committee will meet again to fine tune and clarify all of the responsibilities for each position and to talk about Board structure in light of goals for this year and changes in Board composition.  Nicole will send out a doodle poll.

  1. Communications & Input

Board Resignations – Pam will write a thank you to the members that have resigned (Twink Coffman and Ken Salzman).Newsletter input due February 15 for March. Sue suggested that we include more educational articles rather than Board minutes in the newsletter.  The Board agreed to do that but also to continue to provide a summarized version of the minutes along with yearly accomplishments in the newsletter.  Kelley requested that Board members send her articles of interest to help fill the newsletter.4th Sundays at the Whatcom Museum - February 25(Steve Irving), March 25(Jamie and Nicole), April 22(Sue), May 27(Paul).  Sue will make sure there are NCAS brochures and Climate Ambassador cards at the museum.Provide bird feeding and seed type recommendation brochures to Wild Bird Chalet – Jamie will follow up. 

  1. Old Business

Meeting space determination for Board meetings -   The Board has shown a preference for the BUF space and we will plan on meeting at BUF in the future.  The cost will be $40 per meeting.Duck sign for City of Bellingham – The cost of the structural frame is approximately $700. Possible sites include Whatcom Falls Park Derby Pond, Bloedel Donovan Park, Lake Padden, and North Ridge Pond.  The Board agreed to fund one structural frame at Derby Pond and request that the City fund the sign to fit in the frame. Rae will lead the effort and coordinate with the City and others. Money will need to be added to the budget for this.  If this first sign is successful, the Board may consider fundraising with NCAS membership for more signs at other locations.  The Board emphasized that the sign should be educational and include information on the detriments of feeding ducks bread.Membership Meeting Structure – Discuss laterFarmer’s Market – Discuss laterHoliday Potluck – Tentatively scheduled for Monday, Dec. 10 and we have requested the YWCA meeting room.Intern Fair at Huxley – We will not participate this spring but will discuss and consider for next fall.CBC – The Community Room at the Downtown Coop has been reserved for Dec. 16, 2018 for the CBC Potluck.     

  1. New Business

Volunteer Appreciation program; how to implement and apply. – Discuss laterVARC field trip for Board members – Board members are interested, and Pam will request a May date.Cornell/ Whatcom Land Trust/ NCAS Grant collaboration on Harrison property, Kendall - Board approved a $1,000 match to the grant proposal being submitted to Cornell Labs for educational programs at Harrison property.    

  1. Programs & Events

    February 27: Membership meeting - Dick Mc Neely: Bird VideosMarch 3: Native Plants and Birds; Blaine Library 2-3March 10: Native Plants and Birds: Sudden Valley Library 2-3Wings Over Water Festival Booth and Bird Watching Stations: 10-4March 24: Whatcom Conservation District Plant Sale; Plants and Birds table 10-1?March 24: Native Plants and Birds: Ferndale Library 2-3March 27: Membership meeting – Pam Borso and Rae Edwards: Landscaping for WildlifeApril 8: Family Bird Walk: Scudder Pond/Whatcom Falls 9:30April 14: Native Plants and Birds: Deming Library 3-4 April 17: Native Plants and Birds: Ferndale Garden Club 11:30-1:30April 24: Membership meeting - Dan Streiffert: Arctic National Wildlife RefugeApril 28: Backyard Habitat and Native Flora Fair/ WNPS Plant SaleMay 22: Membership meeting - Constance Sidles: Avian Evolution: How Birds Got to Be Birds        Adjourn - Next Meeting: March 5, 2018; 7 to 9 PM at BUF 

January Board Minutes

­North Cascades Audubon SocietyBoard of Directors Meeting and Retreat Agenda1011 Girard St.January 8, 2018                                                                                                                              5:00 PM 

  1. Additions to Agenda – added as needed.
  2. Approval of December Minutes- Approved by board with no amendments.
  3. Treasurer’s Report – Sue went over the report for December and explained expenses and revenue items of interest. She noted that our expenses for the year were quite a bit more than our revenue, but that we have adequate reserves to cover the gap between expenditures and revenue. We will need to address this issue in the future if this trend continues. Sue will provide a short article on how money was spent in 2017 and there is a pie chart that will accompany the article that illustrates the different areas of expenditures and revenue sources.

Prioritize infrastructure for 2018NCAS Ongoing Programs and Events (including who is responsible for each)

  • Membership Programs and Presentations – Steven Harper – The current mix of 9 programs is good. There was a discussion of changing the format of the meeting to encourage more engagement (social interaction) and a more welcoming environment for new members. One possibility is starting at 6:45 pm and not starting the actual program until 7:15 pm. This will be investigated in the near future.
  • Annual Campout – Steven Harper – The site has been reserved again for this spring and we will continue with a similar format as in past years.
  • Backyard Habitat and Native Flora Fair – Pam Borso– We will continue doing this event.
  • CBC – Doug Brown – We will investigate holding the potluck at the YWCA or the Community Food Coop Community Room. We will not be using the Squalicum Yacht Club in the future. We need to figure out how to generate more interest in the potluck.
  • Cherry Point Bird Surveys – Lyle Anderson – We will continue to be an active partner.
  • Farmer's Market Tabling – Although everyone believes that there is value, we did not make a decision on whether to continue the event. No one stepped forward to coordinate all the logistics and we do not know if we have the volunteer capacity to staff a monthly booth.  We will continue to discuss this opportunity at the February Board Meeting.
  • Field Trips – Ken Salzman – Continue with field trips as in the past.
  • Holiday Potluck – Hospitality Committee - Dec. 10 at YWCA is proposed for 2018. Pam will check this out and make the reservation if it is available.
  • Hospitality Chair/Alternate – We need a new hospitality chair and alternate for our events. Pam will actively attempt to recruit these persons.
  • Membership – Owen Bamford – The board decided that we need to increase memberships (engagement) as well as encourage people to give more money as donations to cover NCAS expenses. A membership committee will be formed to explore different ways that we will accomplish this.
  • Museum Presence: We agreed to continue to have Audubon members present on the 4th Sunday of each month in the Edson Bird Gallery. The next scheduled Sundays are January 28, February 25, March 25, April 22, and May 27. Steven Harper has volunteered for January 28.
  • Nest Box Construction and Dispersal – Ken Salzman– Will continue to build boxes as needed and currently has plenty of wood procured.
  • Newsletters - Kelley Palmer McGee – Newsletter deadline continues to be the 15th of the month before publication. November and December are a combined newsletter and no newsletters are published for June – August. The next newsletter will include the articles on the swan’s installation in the Whatcom Museum exhibit and the availability of scholarships for the WCC Community Education class “Birding in the Pacific Northwest”.
  • Plants and Birds Presentations – Pam Borso and Chris Brewer– The National Audubon Plants and Birds program has been adapted to fit Northwest birds and plants. There are also pamphlets and a laminated resource guide being developed for tabling and for use at local nurseries. This is being co-sponsored by the Native Plant Society. Pam and Chris have scheduled a number of events using the presentation.  Pam has submitted a grant application to National Audubon to help fund the costs for this project.
  • PR/Marketing -Jamie Huson(temporary) until we find a new person. Pam is working on finding a new person to take over this function. Jamie will continue to be responsible for Facebook and social media postings as well.
  • Scholarships – Nicole Huson – She has a meeting with Don Burgess in the next couple of weeks to coordinate publicity for the research scholarships at WWU.
  • Membership Software, Google Docs, Website– Jamie Huson – He is working on the new web page which should be ready for switch over in about 2 months. He gave a brief demonstration of the new website which is supported by Square Space.  The board was impressed and we will move ahead with conversion from our present format.  The new website will also support a payment link.  Jamie is also continuing to work on possibilities for membership software and getting people set up for Google Docs.
  • Whatcom Land Trust Surveys – Steven Harper– WLT, along with NCAS, will explore submitting a grant proposal to Cornell Bird Lab for money to provide support for the bird surveys and habitat restoration and management. The board agreed to provide some matching funding for a proposal. Steven will bring this back to the board in February for discussion. We will also continue to conduct field trips on WLT lands.
  • Wings Over Water Festival– Paul Woodcock– NCAS is participating again but there is no update until Paul returns from his overseas travels.

 Board Building & Governance: Jamie and Nicole – We need to get new officers as Pam and Paul cannot be President and Vice-President (according to by-laws). Nicole will send out the descriptions of all of the officers and other committee chair positions to all of the board members for their information and consideration. Huxley Environmental Career and Internship Fair: scheduled for Thursday, Feb.8; 4:30 – 6:30 PM. We will possibly have representation at the Fair or consider having an internship later.  This needs to be discussed and decided upon by the next meeting.Storing Education/Outreach Material:  for consideration at later meetings.Education Committee 2018 Plan: Chris Brewer provided a summary of the goals for 2018 listed below. 

  • Expand Outreach to Whatcom County

--Whatcom County Library programs--Birds & Brews--Additional field trip locations if possible

  • Develop Conservation Education

--Native Plants and Birds Program/Plants for Birds grants--Endangered species focus in conjunction with Whatcom Museum exhibit

  • Explore Youth Birding Possibilities and Continue Family Programs

--Sponsorship of state Youth Field Trip in Whatcom County (WOW) – 2019 WOW                                    --Continue developing collaboration with Wild Whatcom with Family Programs                                                      and offer family walks/programs as time permits                                    --Consider additional collaborative programs for children/families

  • Develop Bald Eagle Interpretive Programming

  Recruiting  and Incentivizing Volunteers:  Nicole Huson provided a summary of the Volunteer Interest Questionnaire. She had 35 responses and approx. 20 people that indicated an interest in volunteering with NCAS.  The board agreed that we need to understand exactly how we will be using the additional volunteers and then assign volunteers based on their interests indicated in the questionnaire results. Until then, board members will contact individuals and find out more specifically their interests in helping out NCAS.  Nicole will collect the information and people should send her all of the results of the inquiries. Jamie Huson presented a proposal (outlined below) for incentivizing volunteers and for creating a Google doc, tracking hours and areas of interest.Incentives Proposal                  --Volunteer recognition at Holiday Potluck through brief acknowledgement                  --Summer picnic for volunteers                  --Gift Incentives based on hours of volunteering                                    2 hours                      Audubon patch                                    7 hours                      Wild Bird Chalet $10 gift certificate                                    15 hours                   Audubon nest box                                    25 hours                   Signed book                  --Create a Google doc of volunteer interests (from Outreach Survey and other sources)                                    including volunteer tracking.  Budget:  Sue presented a draft 2018 budget based on anticipated NCAS activities and programs for 2018 and related expenses and revenue.  The board reviewed the budget and some changes were made.  Expenses will exceed revenue again in 2018.  The board discussed that although there are very adequate reserves at this time, in the future a balanced budget will be necessary.  Also, it is likely the actual expenses for 2018 will be less than projected.  Projected revenue for 2018 is $11,295 and projected expenses are $19,885. Upcoming Programs & EventsJanuary 11 :            Whatcom Museum- Audubon Presentation for Museum Advocates groupJanuary 23:             James Walker: Dragonflies and DamselfliesFebruary 27:           Dick McNeely: Birding Adventures with VideosMarch 27:                Pam Borso and Rae Edwards: Plants and BirdsApril 24:                    Dan Streiffert: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge        Next Meeting: February 5, 2018; 7 PM at Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship- 1207 Ellsworth St., Bellingham, WA 98225.  Someone will lead meeting unless Paul is present. Steven will contact the person from BUF to find out which meeting room we will be using. Adjourn

December Board Minutes

North Cascades Audubon Society MinutesBoard of Directors Meeting1011 Gerard St.Dec. 4, 20177:00 PM Board Members Present: Pam Borso, Paul Woodcock, Steven Harper, Owen Bamford, Nicole Huson, Jamie Huson, Chris Brewer, Kelley Palmer-McGee, and Steve Irving 

  1. Additions to Agenda – Additions added as needed below
  2. Approval of November Minutes – Approved by board as amended with date changed for January presentation
  3. Treasurer’s Report – Steven discussed the treasurer’s report and it was approved.
  4. Committee Reports:

      Education Update – We have 3 new pairs of binoculars to try out at a total cost of about $300.  We continue to look at projectors and the laptop and will probably purchase by the end of the year.  The Whatcom Library System was really pleased with the programs presented by NCAS and we will present at the Skagit Bald Eagle Festival as well.  Pam and Chris are working on the Native Plants and Birds educational program to be presented at least 3 times in March in time for the Whatcom Conversation District plant sale.  Chris is working with Wild Whatcom on the Family CBC on Dec. 30, although they changed leadership and everything is delayed slightly.  Chris discussed possible funding for youth birding, possibly sending some youth to the Wings Over Water festival.  Nicole indicated that we have 28 -33 people that have responded to our volunteer survey and she will compile the data in time for the retreat in January.      Scholarship Committee – Owen has updated information on the website.  The next step is to reach out to Don Burgess in January. Owen e-mailed the persons receiving the scholarships last year to request a report on the research that the money was used for.      Website Update – Jamie will demo the new website template at the retreat.  No progress on Google Docs as our nonprofit status has not been acknowledged.      Board Building and Governance Report – The committee met and it was very productive, looking at the position descriptions and how they relate to the by-laws. The committee will continue to meet and perhaps provide information for the retreat.

  1. Communications & Input

     Museum holiday tree was decorated and looked great.     Pam asked about continuing the Sunday Audubon at the Museum events and the board agreed to continue. We should make the quarter-sheet information handouts on our presentations, etc. available at the Museum on the Sundays when we are present.     CBC – There was an update that everything is under control, all people placed so far, some new leaders, some people dropping out, and the Squalicum Yacht Club is arranged. Chris will see if we can get an article in the Herald regarding the 50th Anniversary of the CBC for Bellingham and the Family CBC. Jim Duemmel has written up a nice piece that can perhaps be used.  Terry Wahl should be acknowledged for all his efforts in starting the CBC and the other contributions he has made as an amateur ornithologist in the State of Washington.      Spiva Butte –  Steven talked with Ferdi, the gentleman that purchased the property. Steven will write an article for the newsletter about this purchase and the protection efforts that are continuing for Spiva Butte.      Newsletter input due by December 15 for the January newsletter.      Holiday Party – Everything is all set. Pam has food covered, Nicole is working on decorations and a request has been made to Ken to make sure the projector is ready.      Retreat is Jan. 8, 5-9 pm at the Improv Space.  Nicole will bring pizza and salads.  Committee chairs and members are asked to communicate with Pam regarding plans for the coming year and other items that should be discussed at the retreat.      Starting in Feb. the meeting will be at Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship.      Sue would appreciate it greatly if 2017 invoices are submitted at the holiday party.  Of course any purchases after that can be submitted later.

  1. Old Business

      Swan Donation – Victoria at the Museum has promised that the swan will be in the display by the end of the year.  We will donate the remaining $60 to the Museum to defray costs.  When the swan is finally in the display we will place an article in our newsletter regarding the donation and the new display.      Advertising Update – All advertisers in the newsletter have committed. Valerie at the Wild Bird Chalet would like someone to discuss our relationship.  Nicole and Jamie volunteered to stop by to talk with her.      Presentation for the Museum Advocates Group – Paul would like to do this on January 18 even though he will be just back from Australia.  He knows the most about the cooperation between NCAS and the Museum in putting the exhibit together and knows most about the history.

  1. New Business

      Wings Over Water – It will be happening March 16-18. Paul will be attending but will be gone until Jan. 15, so someone else needs to put a call out for viewing station volunteers in the Feb. newsletter.       Donation – The board decided to make the following donations for 2017: Whatcom Humane Society $300, VARC $300, Sardis $200, Wild Whatcom $200, and Northwest Swan Conservation $200.       Huxley Environment Career and Internship Fair Thursday, 8 Feb 2018, 4:30-6:30 PM – Pam would like to consider whether it would be valuable for NCAS to have an intern.  Everyone should think about what we could do with an intern and whether we have enough projects or enough leadership to be able to guide an intern.  More discussion between now and the retreat.

  1. Programs & Events

     December 11 Doug Brown                         Birds of Belize     January 18      Paul Woodcock                   Whatcom Museum - Audubon presence (presentation for                                                                                                   Museum Advocates group)     January 23      James Walker                     Dragonflies and Damselflies     February 27    Dick McNeely                      Unusual Bird Videos     April 24            Dan Streiffert                    Arctic Wildlife Refuge Presentation Adjourn - Next Meeting: January 8, 2018, 5-9 retreat.  Improv Playworks 1011 Girard St, Bellingham, WA 98225

November Board Minutes

North Cascades Audubon SocietyBoard of Directors Meeting AgendaWECU Ed Center on HollyNovember 7, 20167:00 PM Board Members Present: Carol Roberts, Pam Borso,  Kelley Palmer-McGee, Steve Irving,  Judy Krieger;  Ken Salzman, Owen Bamford, Rae Edwards, Steven Harper, Sue Parrott, Jamie Huson, Nicole Huson Guest: Jamie Donaldson presented a request for a letter of support from NCAS in favor of preventing loss of mature trees in the City of Bellingham. 

  1. Additions to Agenda


  1. Approval of October Minutes- Approved


  1. Treasurer’s Report- Sue went over the latest report and explained some corrections she made to errors found in past reports. She discussed money that has been donated as part of an estate and whether we should put a thank you in the January newsletter. Board agreed to discuss the issue of asking for estate contributions and what we do with any money bequeathed at the annual retreat.


  1. Communications & Input

Climate Change Group and I-732 – Sue told us that the group is planning a booth at the Farmer’s market starting in April and staffed by members of the group or other people in Audubon assuming there are enough people to staff the booth.  Cost is $20 per day. Facebook interface – The Facebook interface is being updated and will eventually be working correctly.  Currently a work around is available so that Jamie and Twink can add events to the Facebook Page.CBC update – Board suggested that there be an article in the January newsletter recounting the history of the 50 years of CBC in Bellingham.Cherry Point Bird Surveys – NCAS board believes the surveys should be continued for continuity purposes and for the sake of citizen science.  Pam and Lyle are planning on doing a workshop instead of training this year as well as training additional people that have already passed the test.ACOW – Pam reported that ACOW was a very good conference this year with lots of DNR and BLM people presenting.  Pam and Paul also had a great experience at the banding site above Lake Chelan. 

  1. Old Business

Garlick Memorial Award Report and Swan Update – We have raised the money needed. The state permit is in hand and the Federal permit is being worked on and when in hand we will move ahead. Owen will contact donors for approval to acknowledge their gifts in the January newsletter.​            Holiday Potluck update – Carol and Nicole are working on the Potluck and requested that people save cedar boughs if they have them available.Whatcom Land Trust Collaboration – Pam reported that she will be signing the MOU document in the coming week.AV Technical Support- Steven and Jamie will meet at the Museum to better understand the technical parameters of Museum AV equipment.  This information will be sent to all program presenters to avoid future glitches at our monthly meetings.  They will also determine the cords necessary for various computer connections.  

  1. New Business

Board discussed the issue of saving mature trees in the City of Bellingham as presented by Jamie Donaldson. Rae will draft a letter supporting this position which will be submitted to the board before submission to the city.Birding on Lummi Property – Ken noted that it is possible to receive a yearly permit allowing birding on Lummi lands from the planning office at tribal headquarters. This can be applicable for as many as 3 persons. 

  1. Upcoming Programs

 November 22: Jim Watson - Raptors of Western WashingtonDecember 12: Holiday Potluck – Doug Brown SlidesJan 24: Belinda Rotton and Richard Kessler - Birding on the Skagit and Whatcom Wildlife RefugesFeb 28: Steve and Martha Ellis - Loons of the Salish SeaMarch 28: Matt Christensen and Sarah Brookes - Friends of Semiahmoo Bay Society – Stewardship North of the 49th ParallelApril 25: Jonathan White - Tides: The Science and Spirit of the OceanMay 23: Adjourn - Next Meeting; December 5, 2016  7 PM WECU Ed Ctr., 311 Holly St, Bellingham, WA                                                            

October Board Minutes

North Cascades Audubon SocietyBoard of Directors Meeting AgendaOctober 2, 2017, 7:00 PMBoard Members Present: Pam Borso, Paul Woodcock, Steven Harper, Sue Parrott, Ken Salzman, Rae Edwards, Owen Bamford, Nicole Huson, Jamie Huson, Chris Brewer, Judy Krieger and Kelley Palmer-McGee1. Additions to Agenda – No additions2. Approval of September Minutes - Approved3. Treasurer’s Report – Sue discussed the treasurer’s report.  She asked Pam when the annual report to National Audubon will be submitted, as we will not receive our dues from National until the report is filed.  She noted that membership dues are lower than budgeted.  The board discussed some of the problems/weaknesses with the current membership database.  Owen stated that he does not contact individuals who do not pay dues in response to their annual reminder as the database does not make it easy to do this.  However, he stated he could go back one year and find out which members are overdue and send them a reminder.  The board agreed this was worth doing.  The board discussed the logistics of our membership reminders and how we could expand our efforts.  Kelley will add some information to the newsletter to encourage people to donate and we will also begin reminding people of the importance of memberships at the monthly meetings.  Sue and Kelley will work on getting advertising income for the 2018 newsletters.  4. Committee Reports as needed:     Education Update – Background checks all came back negative so everyone is cleared to work with children.     - The committee is investigating doing a bald eagle program in late fall or early winter of 2018.  People interested in helping and with ideas should contact the committee.          - Nicole suggested sending out a survey to our membership to see if they are interested in volunteering and what their interests might be.  These people could then be assigned to different projects. Another option would be placing surveys on chairs at the membership meetings and gathering information. This effort could give us an idea of what our capacity as an organization may be. We can possibly recruit additional people for the board as well.  Nicole has access to an on-line survey used by another Audubon chapter and will make some changes to it to better reflect our organization’s needs.  The board thought it would be good to get the survey out this fall.     Scholarship Committee – The committee is meeting Wed., Oct. 4 at 5 pm to begin developing criteria for our student scholarships.     Website Update - No update but Jamie will work on this for next meeting.5.  Communications & Input       Audubon National Convention Report          - Jamie gave a report on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and the threat of exploratory oil drilling.  The Trump Administration is trying to open up the Refuge by using the budget process. Jamie and Nicole believe NCAS should make an effort to get members to take action to protect this area.  Board agreed. The board also discussed other actions that members could participate in including actions protesting the potential mining near Mt. St. Helens.  Jamie will contact National Audubon to find out when the best timing would be to ask NCAS members to take action on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.          - Jamie discussed actions National Audubon is taking to fully fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund and to pass an extension of the expiration date for this fund.      WOS meeting update: Pam, Ken, Chris and Paul reported that the field trips went well, that the meeting was well organized and everyone was really friendly.      Newsletter input due by October 15 for the November newsletter.      Fall Migration with John Bower – Hopefully this can be arranged for next year.  Chris will try to contact John.6. Old Business      Swan Donation – No update.     CBC Update – Paul will again contact the Squalicum Yacht Club and make reservations for the after-count potluck. We will ask for donations to support the cost.  Doug Brown and Steven Harper will be in charge of the CBC as Paul will be out of the country.      Holiday Party – The event will be at the YWCA. Pam and Nicole will check out the space, size and shape of tables, etc. Pam will ask Ann, our hospitality person, if she would like to help out. Doug Brown will be doing the program and Pam Borso and friends will be providing music.      Audubon Council of Washington meeting – Pam, Paul, Chris, Nicole and Jamie will be attending. It will be in Sequim on October 14.      Update on Duck Feeding Signs – No update.8. Programs & Events    Audubon at the Museum - October 22 and November 26, 1:30 – 3:30                                                           October 24       Ed Deal Seattle’s Adaptable Urban Cooper’s Hawks                          November 28   Evelyn Brown Stuck in the Middle: The Ecology, Knowledge Gaps or Misunderstandings, and Issues Surrounding Forage Fish    December 11 Holiday Party at YWCA     Whatcom Museum - Audubon presence January 18, 2018 (presentation for Museum Advocates group)     January 24      James Walker Dragonflies and Damselflies     February 27    Dick McNeely     Unusual Bird Videos     April                 Dan Streiffert Arctic National Wildlife Refuge PresentationAdjourn - Next Meeting, November 6, 2017.  Improv Playworks: 1011 Girard St, Bellingham, WA 98225

September Board Minutes

North Cascades Audubon Society Minutes (Draft)Board of Directors Meeting1011 Gerard St.September 18, 20177:00 PM Board Members Present: Pam Borso, Paul Woodcock, Steven Harper, Sue Parrott, Ken Salzman, Rae Edwards, Owen Bamford, Nicole Huson, Jamie Huson, Steve Irving, Chris Brewer 

  1. Additions to Agenda – No additions
  2. Approval of August Minutes - Approved
  3. Treasurer’s Report – Sue discussed the treasurer’s report and clarified how various expenses are directed to some of the line items in the report.
  4. Committee Reports as needed:

     Climate group update: Sue suggests that we discuss tabling at the market at the retreat to determine if want to continue next year and if we want to change any of our focus.     Education update – See below     Scholarship Committee - Jamie is looking for people to be on the scholarship committee to determine criteria and select candidates for the scholarships.  The scholarships for WCC will be announced at the membership meeting this time in lieu of being in the WCC catalog. Ken and Nicole will work together to get the announcement in the next WCC catalog.     Website update - No update but Jamie will work on this for next meeting.

  1. Communications & Input

      Audubon National Convention Report - Starting in October, Jamie and Nicole will give us reports on different topics that were of interest at the National Audubon Convention.  Jamie described a group that National Audubon is partnering with called iMatter.  The focus is on youth, being mentored by adults, that work on issues such as climate change, or lobbying local governing bodies, etc.  Jamie wondered if this is a program we might be interested in participating in.  Perhaps we could present something at one of our membership meetings.      WOS meeting update – The meeting and field trips will occur the weekend of Sept. 22-24. Several board members are leading field trips.      Holiday Potluck - Pam has confirmed that the gathering will be Monday, Dec. 11. Steven will talk to Doug regarding doing a short slide presentation as part of the program.      2018 Pearrygin Lake Campout - May 31-June 3 is a go and the group camp at Pearrygin Lake State Park has been reserved.      Newsletter input due by October 15 for the November newsletter.

  1. Old Business

       Paul will do some checking on what is happening with the swan at the Whatcom Museum.  Sue suggested that the Museum publicize the arrival of the swan.  Paul will check on the plaque and whether they will let us provide one for the swan or insist on generating their own.       Chris will contact John Bower to ask about scheduling an evening listening session at his house during the migration.

  1. New Business

     Rae brought up an idea for “Do Not Feed The Ducks” signs at Lake Padden, North Ridge Pond, Whatcom Falls Derby Pond and Bloedel Donovan with pictures and acknowledgement of NCAS to give more credibility.  Rae will look into how much it will cost to sponsor the sign and to provide photos for the signs.     2018 Officers – Pam noted that people need to begin thinking about who should be the new president and vice-president of NCAS as neither Pam nor Paul can continue next year. (per NCAS bylaws)     Christmas Bird Count – Paul will be gone during this time and needs assistance.  Dec. 17 is the CBC.  Paul will talk to Doug and then recruit other volunteers.      ACOW – In Sequim, Oct. 13-15. Let Pam know if you want to go.

  1. Programs & Events

    Audubon at the Museum - September 24, October 22, November 26 at 1:30 – 3:30.    September 26 Glen “Alex” Alexander        Diking the Skagit River Delta                                                          October 24       Ed Deal                               Seattle’s Adaptable Urban Cooper’s Hawks                          November 28  Evelyn Brown                      Stuck in the Middle: The Ecology, Knowledge Gaps or Misunderstandings, and Issues Surrounding Forage Fish     December 11 Holiday Party at YWCA     January 24      James Walker                     Dragonflies and Damselflies?     February 27    Dick McNeely                      Unusual Bird Videos?     April                 Dan Streiffert                    Arctic Wildlife Refuge Presentation     Whatcom Museum - Audubon presence January 18, 2018 Presentation for Museum Advocates group Adjourn - Next Meeting, October 2, 2017.  Improv Playworks 1011 Girard St, Bellingham, Wa 98225 Education Report: Sept 2017 Education Program updates for fall 2017 are shown below.Whatcom County Birds Library Presentation Dates:October 7, 2-3 at DemingOctober 21, 2-3 at FerndaleNovember 4, 2-3 at South Whatcom (Sudden Valley) People interested in presenting this program in the future—see Chris. Will have presenter’s notes in the PowerPoint by October 21st.  The notes are designed for potential presenters to study and use when presenting to other groups. The Board is invited as ‘ambassadors’ and to be at materials table—signup sheet provided at meeting for helping out.Audubon Plants for Birds: Pacific Flyway 2017 slide program is also available—well done, excellent notes!Developed by Audubon, sent by Tod Winston, Program Manager of Plants for Birds, this program could be easily used to make an excellent presentation to support local native planting for birds. I would suggest this be kept in mind as an offering when NCAS is contacted about providing a program. Let Chris know if you want it to be emailed to you.Family Holiday Bird Count - Wild Whatcom has confirmed co-sponsoring and will be advertising this. Chris is registering approximately 30 people for the event. Chris and Holly Rogers will put together some identification activities for the first section of the event. May be looking for people to take out family groups of 6-8 on the trail at Padden. We will start 4 groups at different areas--one at tennis courts (go counterclockwise up trail till meeting the clockwise group), one at tennis courts going to dog park, a third at the dog park taking the lake trail clockwise, last one at dog park going on the high trail (dog area). Waterfowl can be counted first at each end by combined groups of two –one starting at the tennis courts and the other at the dog park which can first check for waterfowls by the gazebo. Ken, Chris, Holly Rogers (Wild Whatcom) will each take a group birding but we could use a couple more people to help with birding/recording. Also use help preparing/setting out and cleaning up the food at the clubhouse. A signup sheet was distributed at the board meeting for those interested.Wild Whatcom may be engaging us in special activities in the future. Co-sponsoring the Family Bird Count. Birds and Brews - Nicole and Jamie will wait till spring to do another program. 2018 Activities / EventsEducation Committee will be working on confirming programs in October and may include:

  • Spring break family bird walk
  • Spring break birding activity—rented facility for class/birding: backyard birding/bird nesting
  • Summer birding camp—two to three days using museum curriculum
  • Backyard birding booth at March family festival?
  • Provide a list on the website of ‘in-the-can’ programs we are available to share? We currently could provide Whatcom County Birds and Plants for Birds.


March NCAS Board Minutes

North Cascades Audubon SocietyBoard of Directors Meeting AgendaWECU Ed Center on HollyMarch 6, 20177:00 PM Board Members Present: Carol Roberts, Pam Borso, Paul Woodcock, Kelley Palmer-McGee, Steve Irving, Judy Kreiger, Rae Edwards, Steven Harper, Sue Parrott, Jamie Huson, Nicole Huson, Chris Brewer, and Twink Coffman 

  1. Additions to Agenda- Added below


  1. Approval of February Minutes – Approved by the board


  1. Treasurer’s Report- Sue explained the report and it was accepted by the board.


  1. Communications & Input

      WOW update- Paul is still looking for volunteers for the viewing stations. Chris is volunteering in the art area, and Carol is working in the kid’s area. Paul and Steven are volunteering for the Riefel bus trip.  Pam is staffing the NCAS table on Saturday and Judy offered to help out.      Mature trees letter to City of Bellingham update – Rae read her current draft of the letter to the City.  She asked for comments and will submit the letter this week so needs comments by March 9.  The board was pleased with her draft.      Museum update: Pam asked for volunteers to be at the opening of the new 3rd floor Bird Exhibit.  Paul, Jamie, Nicole, Carol, Owen and possibly Rae will be at the opening on March 15. Audubon will be at the Museum on the 4th Sundays in May – August. Pam is looking for volunteers for these Sundays from 2-4pm at the Museum: May 28, June 25, July 23, and Aug 27.      WOS conference update – Ken is gone so there was no update.      Website update – Jamie talked about creating a digital file storage in Google Sites for NCAS documents.  All of us could be using this site for storing minutes, documents, financial reports, etc. and we wouldn’t need to be worried about back up. It would also allow easier access for everyone.  There is no cost for not for profits.  Sue will get Jamie a copy of the documentation for our 501 (c) (3) status.  Jamie will work on setting this up and report at the next meeting.      Climate Group update- No update because of February meeting cancellation due to weather.      Marine Bird Class update – 30 people came the first night and 20 came the second night. 15 were signed up for the field trip, but only three came because of bad weather.  There was some good feedback on how to improve the next class.      Bird Friendly Broadcast Tower article – The article will be in the next newsletter.      Background Checks Account Application – Sue stated that NCAS needs to select an administrator and user before submitting an application for the account at Washington State Patrol.  Pam will be the administrator and Chris will be a user, and Pam will complete and submit the application.      Waiver liability form – There were additional comments and it is now finalized.  Ken will need to coordinate using the form with field trip leaders, maintain a file of the forms and submit the names of any people providing emails to Kelley for informational purposes.  Chris will make the final changes and follow up with Ken.       New meeting room needed for board meetings – WECU will be converting the Education Center into offices in April so we will be having meetings in the old Baskin Robbins building through June.  Pam will be looking for a new meeting place.  The board provided some suggestions for meeting spaces.       Special meeting notices – Kelley is amenable to sending out meeting notices of special programs to the full membership but needs a few days notification because of her busy schedule. 

  1. Old Business

      Swan update – A check has been sent for half of the invoice and the taxidermist is currently working on the bird.      Membership software – Jamie will keep working on this but has no update.      Scholarship for WCC Community Ed Birding classes – The board agreed to provide scholarships for one half of the cost of tuition for the WCC Community Ed Birding Class to 3 participants each quarter.  Nicole will be the contact person and will work on putting together a scholarship request application form. The board decided that a scholarship recipient needs to complete the class and will need to pay for the tuition up front. Scholarships will be paid out at the end of the class.  We will advertise the scholarships in the NCAS newsletter and are hoping that the Community College is open to making note of the scholarships in the blurb for the class.  Sue will ask Ken to follow up with WCC on this last issue. 

  1. New Business

       National Park Service and U.S. Fish &Wildlife Service Grizzly Bear Reintroduction Plan – Paul requested the board sign-on for a letter supporting the reintroduction plan. Board agreed and decided to support option C.       Consider scholarships for high school seniors – Board decided we wanted to see how the WCC scholarships work out and take up the issue next year.       City of Ferndale bird walk May 10 – Pam is looking for volunteers to help lead a bird walk.  Paul agreed to help out and others may also help out. 

  1. Committee Reports as needed

     Education update         Birds and Brew – Gathering will be Saturday, May 20, and will be coordinated by Jamie and Nicole. We are hoping to be able to gather at Stones Throw Brewery.  Board members were asked to help distribute posters once they are ready.         Scudder Pond walk April 7 at 9:30 am – Everyone is welcome to help out. People coming to the walk will be divided up into groups depending on skill level and age.         The committee is looking at two activities for the autumn to be held in rural Whatcom County, at places such as Deming or Ferndale.  Other potential programs are a mini CBC for adults and young people.         Next meeting is March 23 at Woods Coffee. 

  1. Programs

    March 18:    Sergio Seipke-  Hawk Watching Around the World: Raptor Highlights of Six Continents    March 28:    Matt Christensen and Sarah Brookes-  Friends of Semiahmoo Bay: Stewardship North of the 49th                                   Parallel    April 25:      Jonathan White-  Tides: Science and Spirit of the Ocean     May 23:       Kathleen Bander-  It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, No It’s a Bat    Oct. 24:       Ed Diehl-  Coopers Hawk study in Seattle Follow-ups:            Rae will submit mature trees letter to the City of Bellingham.            Pam will find volunteers for the Sunday Museum programs.            Jamie will continue to investigate and possibly set up a Google Sites digital storage site for NCAS.            Sue will send Jamie a copy of the NCAS 501 (c) (3) form.            Pam will complete the background check application and submit it to WSP.            Jamie will continue to investigate a new membership database.Chris will finish up the field trip waiver form and contact Ken to coordinate usage of the form.            Pam will find a new meeting space for the board meetings.            Nicole will develop an application for a scholarship to be used for the Community Ed Birding Class.            Ken will continue to follow-up with the Community College regarding scholarships.            Paul will follow-up on the letter regarding supporting the Grizzly Bear Reintroduction Plan.                      Adjourn - Next Meeting, April 3, 2016.  7-9 PM WECU           311 Holly St, Bellingham, WA                                                              

Board Meeting Minutes: February 2017

North Cascades Audubon SocietyBoard of Directors Meeting AgendaRE Sources LibraryFebruary 13, 2017, 7:00 PMBoard Members Present: Ken Salzman, Rae Edwards, Steven Harper, Sue Parrott, Jamie Huson, Nicole Huson, Twink Coffman, Chris Brewer1. Additions to Agenda – Additions added below2. Approval of January Minutes - Approved3. Treasurer’s Report – Sue went over the Treasurer’s Report and the budget.  Everyone was ok with both.4.  Communications & Input      CBC update newsletter article – Hopefully, there will be an article in the April newsletter. Pam will follow up.      WOW update – Ken and Chris gave updates. Paul will be getting people to sign up for the viewing stations.  Pam will be in charge of the table and logistics surrounding that at the WOW.      Mature trees letter to city update – Rae suggested that a positive approach with suggestions be included as well as criticism regarding trees coming down in Fairhaven in any letter that will be written. Rae will continue to work on the letter.  It will be reviewed by the board and then approved at the next board meeting.      Museum update: no information yet on when the bird exhibits will be open.  Pam should follow up.      WOS meeting update – Sept. 21-25 at Semiahmoo. Ken is looking for field trip leaders.      Website update – No update as of yet.  Jamie is working on it.      Climate group update- They will meet at the end of Feb. and are still moving ahead on tabling at the Farmer’s Market.      Bird class: February 22 and 23 at ReSources – This has all been arranged and Canaan Cowles will teach the class.      Feb. 15 presentation by Melanie Driscoll – Steve gave an update. People are encouraged to come and help out at the resource table.      Update on WWU scholarships – Nicole created a new poster and it has been sent to Don and she already has received an inquiry from a student.      Legislative updates from Jennifer Syrowitz – Sue wondered if everyone is receiving these updates from Audubon Washington. Everyone is getting the updates except Chris.  Sue will send the info to Chris for sign up.5. Old Business      Swan update – The swan is at the taxidermist and the taxidermist needs a payment to start. Sue will send payment.      Waiver form – Chris presented three different field trip and activity liability waiver forms.  The board gave suggestions for changes to the waiver forms and the education committee will revise forms and bring them to the next board meeting. We also decided to use the individual liability forms for more “risky” events or with children.  Chris gave two examples (City of Bellingham and Wild Whatcom) and we need to adopt a version of one of these at the next board meeting. Chris also presented information on background checks.  Sue will move ahead with establishing an account for getting background checks with the Washington State Patrol.        Membership software- Jamie is still checking on a platform to use.         Suggestion box for membership meetings – Ken is waiting for Pam to return to get hold of a nesting box.       Scholarships for WCC classes – Ken will follow up.       Holiday party credit – We can use the credit for next winter’s holiday party.6. New Business       Consider scholarships for high school seniors – This item will be considered at the next meeting when we find out who placed it on the agenda.      Bird friendly broadcast towers – Sue was interested in having an article in the newsletter and having a person take on the challenge of chasing down towers that should have lights changed to flashing lights. We will continue to discuss this and Sue will possibly work on an article. 7. Committee Reports as needed      Education Committee update -      Museum programs and other events for May- August with March 1 deadline for Museum Calendar – Nobody at the meeting had any suggestions for events. Pam will need to follow up.      April Birds and Brew event and other activities – The education committee described their concept for their Birds and Brew outing. They also showed us the concept poster for the event and their ideas for this coming year such as a Scudder Pond Walk.  They passed out their write-up of concepts for this coming year.  See handout.  We agreed to wait until summer 2018 for children’s summer camps.Upcoming Programs:February 15: Melanie Driscoll, Deepwater Horizon: Effects of the Oil Spill on Local People and WildlifeFeb 28: Steve and Martha Ellis: Loons of the Salish SeaMarch 28: Matt Christensen and Sarah Brookes, Friends of Semiahmoo Bay: Stewardship North of 49th ParallelApril 25: Jonathan White: Tides: Science and Spirit of the Ocean  May 23: Kathleen Bander: Bats          Adjourn - Next Meeting, March 6, 2017.  7-9 PM WECU Ed Ctr            311 Holly St, Bellingham, WA

NCAS Board of Directors Retreat: Minutes, Jan 2, 2017

North Cascades Audubon Society Board of Directors RetreatJan. 2, 2017, 5 PMRE Sources Ed Center Board Members Present: Pam Borso, Ken Salzman, Rae Edwards, Steven Harper, Sue Parrott, Paul Woodcock, Steve Irving, Jamie Huson, Nicole Huson, Twink Coffman, Owen Bamford, Judy Krieger, Kelley Palmer-McKee, Chris Brewer 

  1. Additions to Agenda - Added to new business below.
  2. Approval of December Minutes - Approved
  3. Treasurer’s Report – Sue presented the December report and the year-end report. We have not yet received the National Audubon dues share. Many people joined NCAS or renewed their memberships in December.  Memberships for the year met projections. We spent a little less than budgeted for the year. Revenue was much higher than projected due to a gift from an estate.
  4.  Communications & Input

CBC update – Both the Bellingham and the Ferry Count were successful, although the weather was wintery. One of our counters fell on the ice while observing a bird and another counter was rear ended. We are going to put an article regarding the CBC in the Feb. or March newsletter.WOW update – Wings Over Water is in the planning stages for March 10-12.  NCAS will have a table, Chris is helping WOW with artist contributions that are bird related and there will again be volunteers assisting with viewing stations.Whatcom Museum update – Birds are being moved to the balcony area. Paul, Owen and Pam are giving input into the panels that will accompany the birds. The Museum is hoping to get NCAS involved in giving tours of the bird exhibit. They will be opening the exhibit sometime during the end of Jan. or early Feb.Mature trees letter to City – Rae followed up with the City regarding the development next to the Fairhaven Library. She will follow up on a more generic letter requesting saving mature trees in the City of Bellingham. Meeting chairs for January Program and February Board – Paul will chair the January Program meeting and the February Board meeting.Washington Ornithological Society State meeting is at Semiahmoo Sept 21-25, 2017. Anyone interested in being a field trip leader should email Ken. Suggestions for areas for field trips should also be discussed with Ken. Field trip leaders will be able to attend the conference and the banquet for free.  

  1. Old Business

Trumpeter swan update – All licenses are procured and Paul will follow up with finding a taxidermist and request that it be mounted for presentation to the Museum.  $875 was raised.Holiday Potluck update – The board decided not to reschedule the potluck which had been cancelled because of weather.  We will again schedule it for next December and Pam will follow up with Carol to see if our payment for this year could be applied to next year.  

  1. New Business - Retreat items

May program- Steven asked if anyone had suggestions for a presenter or if we should ask one of our scholarship recipients?  Board noted that, if appropriate, a scholarship recipient would be good.Board positions, structure, role and activity of standing committees - Pam and Paul will not be allowed to continue in their current positions after May of 2018. We need to begin looking for a new President and Vice-President. Chris Brewer was asked by the board to be a new member and will become the new education chair. Rae will become a member at large.  Carol will remain as a member at large and Anna, who took over hospitality, decided not to be on the board. Jamie has taken on a new role, responsible for our web page and social media. Sue suggested we revisit board structure and membership on a regular basis so that we can be better prepared for leadership changes.  Everyone agreed.Review of minutes from last year’s retreat, and goals and accomplishments of 2016 - We reviewed what we had accomplished and felt it was appropriate to continue our efforts and initiatives of 2016 into 2017. There were a couple of items that were not followed up from the last retreat. One item was a survey of members and the placement of a suggestion box at presentations.  Board decided not to conduct a survey but to set up a suggestion box at program meetings and any submitted suggestions will be reviewed by the board at the next meeting.  Ken agreed to build the suggestion box. Another area where we fell short was in education efforts toward younger people, especially children.  Board agree that we will place a primary focus on these efforts in 2017.  Chris is establishing an education committee to work on these efforts.  We will also try to focus more efforts on persons in their 20’s and 30’s.Discussion of our current funds, what we want to do with our money, and asking for estate gifts - We should mention estate giving in our newsletter and encourage people to give. Sue will write up an article to be attached to the end of our accomplishments. Paul suggested that we give some scholarship money for people attending the WCC beginning birding class since NCAS doesn’t offer the class anymore. We agreed to allocate money for this effort, and Ken will look into how this could work. Lyle Anderson and Pam are hoping to present a class in February on marine birds of the Salish Sea in place of the Cherry Point survey class.  It will be a general interest class with two field trips.  People in the class can pursue more advanced training to be a counter for the Cherry Point survey. We will allocate money as needed for this class.       Website issues: reorganizing and updating - Jamie has agreed to be in charge of our web page and all of our social media. He is planning on doing an inventory of the current website and will present more information to board members on what he finds needs updating and how we can assist him.       Online donations - PayPal is now working as we have received a flood of new memberships through them recently.  It apparently was not working for a while as we had not received any donations through PayPal for approximately 18 months.  We are working on getting address information from PayPal as well as the email addresses.      Membership issues including membership status and updating database for membership - A committee has been established (Owen, Jamie and Kelley) to figure out the type of new database we need to make our membership process work more efficiently.  They will research cost, implications, etc. and report back to the board.      Education for youth, children and diverse audiences - February 6 Backyard Bird Count, CBC for kids, working with Wild Whatcom, Birds and Brew and summer camps were some of the ideas suggested by the board. Chris, Jamie and Nicole will form a new education work group to explore some new programs. They are also interested in targeting the 18-35 age demographic as well as families with children. They will investigate any liabilities associated with working with children. Ken will also follow up on using liability waivers for the field trips.       Jim Duemmel CBC newsletter article for February or March issue- Jim will be asked to write an article on CBC for one of these issues.       Future of Birds and Climate Change Group - Is it a priority?  At the next meeting (Jan. 9) a leader(s) needs to be appointed to coordinate the tabling at the Farmer’s Market.   The board supports this effort.        2017 Budget– Sue presented the 2017 budget taking into account the various priorities we have established.  It was approved by the board. 

  1. Upcoming Programs

 Jan. 24: Belinda Rotton and Richard Kessler - Birding on the Skagit and Whatcom Wildlife RefugesFeb. 15: Melanie Driscoll - Deepwater Horizon Disaster: Effect of the Oil Spill on the Local People and WildlifeFeb. 28: Steve and Martha Ellis - Loons of the Salish SeaMarch 28: Matt Christensen and Sarah Brookes - Friends of Semiahmoo Bay Society – Stewardship North of the 49th ParallelApril 25: Jonathan White - Tides: The Science and Spirit of the OceanMay 23: Adjourn.  Next Meeting: February 6, 2017, 7-9 PM WECU Ed Ctr., 311 Holly St, Bellingham, WA   Follow-up Action Items

  • Paul, Owen and Pam will continue to give input into the panels that will accompany the new bird exhibit at the Whatcom Museum.
  • Rae will follow up on a more generic letter requesting saving mature trees in the City of Bellingham.
  • Paul will follow up with finding a taxidermist and request that the swan be mounted for presentation to the Whatcom Museum.
  • Pam will follow up with Carol to see if our payment for this year’s holiday party could be applied to next year.
  • Ken agreed to build the suggestion box that will be placed on the display table at our monthly presentations.
  • Chris is establishing an education committee with Jamie and Nicole to explore and work on new educational program efforts.
  • Sue will write an article regarding estate giving to be included in the newsletter after the article listing our 2016 accomplishments.
  • Ken will look into how scholarships can be made available to people signing up for the WCC beginning birding class.
  • Lyle Anderson and Pam will work on a class to be presented in February on marine birds of the Salish Sea.
  • Jamie will do an inventory of the current website and will present more information to board members on what he finds needs updating and how we can assist him.
  • Owen and Ann Palmer are working on getting address information from PayPal as well as the email addresses.
  • Owen, Jamie and Kelley will figure out the type of new database we need to make our membership process work more efficiently. They will research cost, implications, etc. and report back to the board.
  • Ken will follow up on finding liability waivers for the field trips.
  • Pam will ask Jim Duemmel to write an article on the history of the CBC for either the February or March newsletter.

2016 North Cascades Audubon Society Accomplishments

2016 North Cascades Audubon Society AccomplishmentsThe purpose of this society is to promote the study and conservation of birds and other wildlife, their habitat, and the environment; to increase public appreciation of the values of wildlife, plants, and the natural environment; and to stimulate action to protect and preserve them for the future.Consistent with the mission statement, the North Cascades Audubon Society accomplished the following in 2016:1. To promote the study and conservation of birds and other wildlife:• In collaboration with ReSources and the Cherry Point Aquatic Reserve Citizens, NCAS trained citizen scientists to assist with the Cherry Point Bird Survey.  Participants attended five training sessions and then, throughout the year, conducted eight bird surveys in three locations in the Reserve.  Data is compiled in accordance with the MESA Study protocol.• In partnership with the Whatcom Land Trust, 20 citizen scientists/birders conducted bird surveys on twelve select Whatcom Land Trust properties.  Bird surveys were conducted in May, June and September.• Coordinated all aspects of the annual Whatcom County Christmas Bird Count, involving over 70 volunteer citizen scientists• Provided three scholarships to WWU students engaged in research relevant to conservation of birds and their habitat• Provided $500 in youth scholarships to attend the Whatcom Museum Summer Bird Camp• Entered into a collaborative agreement with the Whatcom Land Trust2. To increase public appreciation of the values of wildlife, plants and the natural environment:• Hosted eight educational programs for the public at the monthly NCAS meetings• Partnered with the Whatcom Museum in five educational programs at the Syre including a bird photography workshop, two summer Bird Camps for youth involving field trips and presentations, and the Museum’s 75th anniversary celebration• Co-sponsored Wings Over Water in Blaine and Birch Bay• Organized 26 field trips for the public to identify birds in Whatcom and Skagit Counties• Hosted the annual campout, with birding field trips, at Pearrygin Lake State Park• Built and distributed swallow and chickadee nest boxes• Participated in Backyard Habitat and Native Flora Fair• Presented to various community groups including Sue Taylor’s Green Gardening class, Parkway Chateau, Adult Day Health, and Summit Place Senior Living• Hosted bird walks at Birch Bay State Park• Wrote three articles for the Bellingham Herald• Accomplished fundraising effort for George and Lois Garlick Memorial which will be used to present a mounted trumpeter swan to the Whatcom Museum in their name3. To stimulate action to protect and preserve them for the future:• Formed a Climate Change Action Group and held five meetings• Paul Woodcock represented NCAS on the Whatcom County Wildlife Advisory Board and Pam Borso represented NCAS on the local Environmental Caucus Working Group.• Actively supported Initiative I-732 (the Washington Carbon Emission Tax and Sales Tax Reduction), including covering the issue in the newsletter and distributing flyers at monthly meetings and other events• Joined with local chapters, WA State, and National Audubon in submitting comments on issues related to public policy implications for birds and their habitat. Issues included: supporting Presidential Policy Protecting Public Lands & Wildlife; protecting imperiled seabirds;  opposing construction of a pellet plant and the export of raw logs from the Bellingham waterfront; preserving Important Birding Area (IBA) in Clark County; opposing  Army helicopter training in North Cascades National Park; opposing development in Burns Bog, B.C.; opposing coal terminal at Longview; opposing development in the buffer area of the Bellingham heron colony; opposing expansion of the Twin Sisters Swen Larson Quarry in the Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest;  opposing industrial development at the Weyerhauser Campus in Federal Way; supporting Congressional funding of programs and policies that protect our nation’s birds and other wildlife; urging PSE to replace their  Colstrip coal mine in Montana with renewable energy; and urging the Army Corps to finally publish the BP Cherry Point EIS.     

December Board Minutes

North Cascades Audubon SocietyBoard of Directors Meeting AgendaWECU Ed Center on HollyDecember 5, 20167:00 PM Board Members Present: Carol Roberts, Pam Borso, Ken Salzman, Rae Edwards, Steven Harper, Sue Parrott, Paul Woodcock Gabe Epperson and Rich Bowers from the Whatcom Land Trust came and presented their interactive conservation plan and survey and we participated in providing input. They are seeking input from various community groups and individuals to guide their future acquisitions and management. 

  1. Additions to Agenda


  1. Approval of November Minutes- Approved


  1. Treasurer’s Report- Sue fielded questions regarding the report. She noted we received a thank you letter from the Northwest Swan Conservation Association. All newsletter advertisers have re-upped for 2017.


  1. Communications & Input

CBC update – Doug is doing a good job helping out Paul with organizing the count. We need a few more people to help out. For 2017, Paul shared his idea about setting up an intro CBC field trip to give people a taste of what it is like before they become fully involved. He is also investigating ways to get kids involved.Wings Over Water – March 10-12. Paul Bannick will be speaking. NCAS feels that viewing stations are a valuable part of the festival, however they need to be publicized more. In the past lack of publicity has led to underutilization.Cherry Point Bird Surveys – We have increased the number of birds we are surveying to 30 species. Because we already have plenty of people that have passed the written test and are eligible to be trained as counters we will not have a class this year. Instead, we will focus our efforts on training these people. Pam and Lyle Anderson may organize and present a short class and field trip on ocean birds.Hospitality - We have a new Host person and that is Anne Ziomkowski. 

  1. Old Business

Garlick Memorial Award Report and Swan Update – No update on swan preparations. Owen has heard from 6 of the people who donated money, and acknowledgement will be made of their donations in the January newsletter.Bird Panels at the Whatcom Museum – Pam and Paul have been reviewing the information from the museum staff and providing suggestions on content.  Rae agreed to participate in the review.            Holiday Potluck Update – Carol reported that everything is good to go and we will be buying some meat item to supplement the potluck. Board approved spending up to $100 on the food. 

  1. New Business

Retreat items – Sue would like to review last year’s retreat goals to see what we have accomplished. Pam will send out these goals before the retreat. Carol asked if we could also discuss updating and improving the membership database. Other ideas will be solicited via email. Ken Salzman will purchase pizza and Sue will bring deli salads for the retreat.We discussed an email that was submitted to Whatcom Birds regarding using CBC and eBird data for guiding input to the Whatcom County Critical Areas Ordinance. Pam will follow up with this person and also Judy Krieger  who was interested in investigating whether archived data would be helpful. 

  1. Upcoming Programs

 Dec. 12: Holiday Potluck – Doug Brown SlidesJan. 24: Belinda Rotton and Richard Kessler - Birding on the Skagit and Whatcom Wildlife RefugesFeb. 15: Melanie Driscoll - Deepwater Horizon Disaster: Effect of the Oil Spill on the Local People and WildlifeFeb. 28: Steve and Martha Ellis - Loons of the Salish SeaMarch 28: Matt Christensen and Sarah Brookes - Friends of Semiahmoo Bay Society – Stewardship North of the 49th ParallelApril 25: Jonathan White - Tides: The Science and Spirit of the OceanMay 23: Adjourn - Next Meeting (Planning Retreat): January 2, 2016  5-9 PM WECU Ed Ctr., 311 Holly St, Bellingham, WA                                                            

November Board Minutes

North Cascades Audubon SocietyBoard of Directors Meeting MinutesWECU Ed Center on HollyNovember 7, 20167:00 PM Board Members Present: Carol Roberts, Pam Borso, Kelley Palmer-McGee, Steve Irving, Judy Krieger, Ken Salzman, Owen Bamford, Rae Edwards, Steven Harper, Sue Parrott, Jamie Huson, Nicole Huson Guest: Jamie Donaldson presented a request for a letter of support from NCAS in favor of preventing loss of mature trees in the City of Bellingham. 

  1. Additions to Agenda


  1. Approval of October Minutes- Approved


  1. Treasurer’s Report- Sue explained some corrections of errors in the report that she found in the reporting and has corrected. She talked about the money that has been donated and whether we should put a thank you in the January newsletter. Owen will contact donors and get their approval. Board agreed to discuss at the annual retreat the issue of asking for estate contributions and what we do with any money bequeathed.


  1. Communications & Input

Climate Change Group and I-732 – Sue told us that the group will have a booth at the Bellingham Farmer’s Market starting in April and staffed by members of the group or other people in Audubon, assuming there are enough people to staff the booth.  Cost is $20 per day. Facebook interface – The Facebook interface is being updated and will eventually be working correctly.  Currently a work around is available so that Jamie and Twink can add events to the Facebook Page.CBC update – Board suggested that there be an article in the January newsletter recounting the history of the 50 years of CBC in Bellingham.Cherry Point Bird Surveys – NCAS board believe the surveys should be continued for continuity purposes and for the sake of citizen science.  Pam and Lyle are planning on doing a workshop instead of training this year as well as training additional people that have already passed the test.ACOW – Pam reported that ACOW was a very good conference this year with lots of DNR and BLM people presenting.  Pam and Paul also had a great experience at the banding site above Lake Chelan. 

  1. Old Business

Garlick Memorial Award Report and Swan Update – We have raised the money needed. The State permit is in hand and the Federal permit is being worked on and when in hand we will move ahead.            Holiday Potluck update – Carol and Nicole are working on the Potluck and requested that people save cedar boughs if they have them available.Whatcom Land Trust Collaboration – Pam reported that she will be signing the document in the coming week.AV Technical Support- Steven and Jamie will meet at the Museum and work out the parameters for presentations on various computers to communicate to the presenters. They will also determine the cords necessary for various computer connections.  

  1. New Business

NCAS will send a letter in support of saving mature trees in the City of Bellingham.Birding on Lummi Property – It is possible to receive a yearly permit from the planning office at tribal headquarters good for up to 3 persons. 

  1. Upcoming Programs

 November 22: Jim Watson - Raptors of Western WashingtonDecember 12: Holiday Potluck – Doug Brown SlidesJan 24: Belinda Rotton and Richard Kessler - Birding on the Skagit and Whatcom Wildlife RefugesFeb 28: Steve and Martha Ellis - Loons of the Salish SeaMarch 28: Matt Christensen and Sarah Brookes - Friends of Semiahmoo Bay Society: Stewardship North of the 49th ParallelApril 25: Jonathan White - Tides: The Science and Spirit of the OceanMay 23: AdjournNext Meeting: December 5, 2016 7 PM WECU Ed Ctr., 311 Holly St, Bellingham, WA                                                            

October Board Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting MinutesOctober 3, 2016Present: Kelley Palmer-McGee, Carol Roberts, Paul Woodcock, Pam Borso, Steve Irving, Twink Coffman, Owen Bamford, Rae Edwards1.Additions to AgendaCherry Point Aquatic Reserve: Steve Irving is member on a committee to eliminate the cut-out for the pier suggested by the Department of Natural Resources.2. Approval of September Minutes: Approved by the board3. Treasurer’s Report: Received by the board4.  Communications & Inputa. Climate Change Group and I-732: Next Group meeting is October 24 at 7:00 PM at the Cordata FoodCo-op.b. Facebook interface: Kelley reported that Ann is working on the interface.c. Online donations efficiency: No newsd. CBC update: December 17 for the ferry count and the 18th for the mainland count. Doug Brown will beassisting Paul Woodcock. Paul has recommended having a pre-meeting so that people know what toexpect with regard to commitments at the CBC.e. Asa Wright Nature Center Fundraising: If we advertise in our newsletter the tours of this nonprofitorganization and someone signs up, they will donate $100.00 to NCAS.  Board approved advertising.5. Old Businessa. Garlick Memorial Award Report and Swan Update: Now have $650.00. State permits acquired, nowworking on federal permitsb. Holiday Potluck update: Set for December 12 from 6-9 at the YWCA ballroom. Carol will purchaserectangular table cloths and supply hot beverages. Nicole will help with decorations. Doug Brown willprovide the program. It will be advertised in the newsletter and on the website and Facebook.6. New Businessa.  Whatcom Land Trust Collaboration: An agreement was presented to WLT. We await WLT board approval.b. Volunteer recognition: Rae, who has been coordinating volunteers and has found appreciation eventsare not usually successful, recommended more broad reaching acknowledgement such as in thenewsletter, on the website and Facebook.c.  Jim Duemmel recognition 50 years CBC: Pam inquired about the best way to acknowledge Jim andsuggested a nice red fleece. Paul recommended a plaque.  Board approved acquisition limited tounder $500.00.7. Committee Reports as needed8. ProgramsOct 25 Gary Searing: Raptor Management at Vancouver BC AirportNovember 22 Jim Watson: Raptors of Western WashingtonJan 24: Wildlife RefugesFeb 28 Steve and Martha EllisApril 25 or May 23 Jonathan White: Tides in the Salish Sea Adjourn - Next Meeting: November 7, 2016, 7 PM WECU Ed Ctr; 311 Holly St, Bellingham, WA

April 2016 Board Minutes

North Cascades Audubon SocietyBoard of Directors Meeting MinutesApril 4, 2016Present: Ken Salzman, Carol Roberts, Paul Woodcock, Pam Borso, Steven Harper, Sue Parrott, Rae Edwards, Twink Coffman, Jamie Huson, and Nicole HusonNot Present: Kelley Palmer-McGee, Judy Krieger

  1. Approval of April’s minutes: Approved by Board
  2. Treasurer’s Report: Sue reported that $425 has been raised so far for the Garlick Memorial. She is sending thank you notes from Audubon to people who have contributed money to the memorial.
  3. Communications & Input
    1. Climate Change Work Group Report
      1. Sue had Kelley send out a special email to the NCAS email list in an attempt to recruit more members for the work group.  Four new members came as a result of this email.
      2. Education and Outreach was discovered to be the group’s main passion
      3. Group discussed creating bird friendly habitat in the wild and in backyards
      4. Acquisition and management of land was also discusses some
    2. Land Trust Newsletter: Article about Bird surveys and Christmas Bird Count. North Cascades Audubon was mentioned several times in the article. A copy will be kept in the archives.
  4. Old Business
    1. Garlick Memorial:
      1. Notes and donations have been mailed in
      2. Put progress report in May newsletter to update chapter and encourage donations
      3. Still looking for a reputable taxidermist for swans
    2. Scholarships:
      1. Sent out to department heads at Western
    3. Syre Center:
      1. Event- Backyard Birds has been canceled at the Syre Center due to lack of sign up. The event was scheduled for Saturday, April 9th.
      2. Syre Center will be open Thur-Sun between May 19 and June 4, 2016.
  5. New Business
    1. Officers for 2017:
      1. Will be announced in the newsletter
      2. Carol and Ken are the nominating committee
    2. The board Voted to approve Pam for 4th year as president
    3. The board Voted to approve Paul for 4th year as vice president
    4. The board Voted to appoint Nicole Huson as Chair of the Scholarship Committee
    5. The board Voted to appoint Jamie Huson as Board Member at Large
  6. Upcoming Events
    1. Northwest 1 Regional Meeting:
      1. April 30th at Padilla Bay, 9am-2pm
      2. Open to all members
    2. Whatcom Land Trust- Walk at Stimpson Nature Preserve:
      1. Naturalist needed, Contact Dennis Conner
      2. Sunday, May 8th 2016 at 12:30- 3pm

Adjourn – Next Meeting; May 2, 2016  7 PM WECU Ed Ctr311 Holly St, Bellingham, WA

March 2016 Board Minutes

North Cascades Audubon SocietyBoard of Directors Meeting MinutesMarch 7, 2016Present: Ken Salzman, Carol Roberts, Paul Woodcock, Pam Borso, Steven Harper, Sue Parrott, Rae Edwards, Kelley Palmer-McGee, Steve Irving, Twink Coffman, Jamie Huson, Judy Krieger and Nicole Huson 

  • Approval of February Minutes – Approved by the Board
  • Treasurer’s Report –Sue explained the highlights of the February Treasurer’s Report. Board agreed to send a thank you to a person contributing through Microsoft and their employee match program.
  • Communications & Input

Climate Change Work Group Report – Sue gave a report on the group which includes three members besides current board members. Sue is looking for input on how to get more members involved. Next Meeting is at Cordata Coop on March 21.Scholarships - Pam will follow up with Don Burgess on making sure the information gets out to prospective students.Wings over Water – A number of Audubon people including Ken and Steven are volunteering as field trip leaders for the Friday Reifel Bird Sanctuary Trip. There are also a large number of people volunteering as viewing station attendants on Saturday and Sunday, and Paul is leading field trips on Saturday and Sunday. Carol, Pam, Sue, Twink and Judy are also volunteering at the table or for other activities.WDFW Private Lands Initiative – Steven and Paul and Eric Carabba of Whatcom Land Trust (WLT) met with Craig Cole of Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife (WDFW) and discussed possible ideas for bird and wildlife viewing station locations. WDFW will be taking our ideas along with others to make decisions on possible sites in the future.Instagram and Twitter Report – Jamie has set up both Instagram and Twitter accounts with ncascadeaudubon as the name for both accounts.Conservation Initiatives – We are participating in opposing the proposed Export Pellet Plant at the Port of Bellingham. We signed on to a letter supporting edits to the Mt. Baker Snoqualmie National Forest Sustainable Roads plan.

  • Old Business:

Lois and George Garlick Memorial – The museum is working on the paperwork for staging the trumpeter swan, and a good specimen is in the freezer. As soon as the paperwork is in place we will find a taxidermist and have it mounted. We will post info every month until we have money raised to pay for the work.

  • New Business

Expanded UGAs – Board approved opposing expanded Urban Growth Areas (UGAs) in the County Comprehensive Plan Update.Holiday Party – We will reserve Dec. 13 at the Lairmont Manor for our 2016 holiday partyNational Wildlife Federation(NWF) - Ken is wondering about Audubon being an affiliate or a chapter for NWF. Ken will contact the statewide contact person to get more information.Backyard Habitat and Native Flora Fair - May 21, 10am -3pm. We will have bird houses for sale and kits to construct for kids. Ken will make 5-10 kits for constructing the houses.Sustainable World Sourcebook- Pam will be getting a box of these books to give away to organizations, libraries, etc.Summit Place - Ken gave a presentation this month at Summit Place.Bird Surveys on WLT Properties – These will occur again this year with an expanded number of people involved.

  • Upcoming Programs

March 22 - Understanding Shorebirds, the Miracle of Migration with Tim BoyerApril 26 - “The Salish Sea” Jewel of the Pacific Northwest with Joseph GaydosMay 24 - Shrinking Summits: The Impact of Climate Change and Wildfire on a High Elevation Flower in Western North America with Trevor BloomAdjourn - Next Meeting; April 4, 2016  7 PM WECU Ed Ctr311 Holly St, Bellingham, WA

February Board Meeting Minutes

North Cascades Audubon SocietyBoard of Directors Meeting Minutes February 1, 2016 Present: Ken Salzman, Carol Roberts, Paul Woodcock, Pam Borso, Steven Harper, Sue Parrott, Owen Bamford, Steve Irving, Twink Coffman. Absent: Judy Kreiger, Kelly Palmer-McGee. Guests: Jamie and Nicole Huson. 

  • Approval of January Minutes – Approved by the Board


  • Treasurer’s Report –Sue explained the highlights of the January Treasurer’s Report.


  • Communications & Input

Cherry Point Survey Class – Wendy Steffenson is leaving ReSources and the new contact for the survey is Eleanor Hines. New counters are continuing to be trained.Syre Museum - A number of board members made presentations or were present during the time the museum was open in January.Whatcom Museum- The museum will conduct and pay for the background checks on any Audubon members wanting to work with children at the Museum.Other presentations - Ken presented at the Parkway Chateau and Adult Day Health in January and is scheduled to present at Summit Place in February. He will also be teaching a Community Ed. course on birdwatching and photography.Climate Change Work Group - The 15 people that signed up will be doodle polled and a meeting scheduled.Wings over Water – A number of people are volunteering as field trip leaders for the 3 days of the festival and Paul is looking for more viewing station volunteers.New Member Postcards - Owen will follow up with designing and sending out welcome postcards for new members.Scholarships - Paul will initiate the scholarship process with Don Burgess at WWU.WDFW Private Lands Initiative – Steven and Paul, along with Eric Carabba from Whatcom Land Trust, will meet with Cole Caldwell to give input regarding potential wildlife viewing stations on private lands. 

  • Old Business:

Ann has followed through and made the change to a new web service provider.Lois and George Garlick memorial – Paul presented his idea to provide funding to taxidermy a trumpeter swan for placement in the Syre Museum in their honor. Another idea is to do an annual award to a deserving person that exemplifies their spirit. Paul made a motion to allocate up to $1000 for the taxidermy of a trumpeter swan along with a plaque and to raise money for the effort in the community. Motion passed.Pam will be attending the Sound Waters 2016 conference in February.

  • New Business

Upper North Fork Sustainable Road Public Meetings – USFS needs help with setting up the meetings. Meetings are Feb. 8 in Kendall and Feb. 11 at Bellingham Public Library.Sue requested that a link be added to the website resource page to the Audubon Climate Report.Jamie and Nicole suggested using Twitter and Instagram to give more publicity to local chapter, state, and national Audubon efforts and volunteered to set up accounts. They will work with Twink.Syre Museum will again be open May 19 - June 4.

  • Upcoming Programs

February 23 - From the Andes to Antarctica: Exploring the Scotia Arc with Lynne Givler and Keith CarpenterMarch 22 - Understanding Shorebirds, the Miracle of Migration with Tim BoyerApril 26 - “The Salish Sea” Jewel of the Pacific Northwest with Joseph GaydosMay 24 - Shrinking Summits: The Impact of Climate Change and Wildfire on a High Elevation Flower in Western North America with Trevor Bloom  Adjourn - Next Meeting; March 7, 2016  7 PM WECU Ed Ctr311 Holly St, Bellingham, WA